Today’s episode is a special two-part podcast featuring a revolving panel talking about bullshit. Old faces and new. Also, we have a new sponsor that we a proud to partner with to bring this content to you. Follow us on social media @ramenshopboyz @_spncr @compound_muzik_ceo @dewitt_buck @_lttlepyro @ashesofakarim
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Today the Ramen Shop Boyz lament about their old age…Not really. Follow us on social media @ramenshopboyz @_spncr @compound_muzik_ceo @dewitt_buck @_lttlepyro @ashesofakarim
Read more…Today we learn if Kevin does indeed have Justin Bieber in his music collection (spoiler: he does) and why Ashley is a heartless monster when it comes to popcorn tins. -RSB
Read more…Today we discuss some more random stuff. And technical difficulties again. We’ll figure it out one day.
Read more…Today, we’re a man down and a dollar short of a handjob. Also, technical difficulties. Check it out.
Read more…Today the fellas welcome a special guest, Ashley. She joins in with Kevin, Spencer and John (and sometimes Dewitt) in topics such as Nazis, Mars and more Nazis. Seriously, there is a lot of Nazi stuff. Follow the Ramen Shop Boyz on YouTube, Twitch and IG. We also have a Patreon and your support would …
Read more…Today, we all discuss people who don’t pay what they who (you know who you are) and some movies that have screwed up our lives. 50 First Dates (imdb) Memento (imdb)
Read more…We’re all feeling a little salty due to the McDonald’s Szechuan sauce promotion. Also, other stuff.
Read more…John, Spencer, Kevin and Dewitt discuss the SpaceX Mission to Mars for entirely too long. Space Herpes and a Jamaican rocket are discussed.
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